For game developers – as issuers of the NFT – they could earn a royalty every time an item is re-sold in the open marketplace. This creates a more mutually-beneficial business model where both players and developers earn from the secondary NFT market. Another investor parted with $222,000 to purchase a segment of a digital Monaco racing track in the F1 Delta Time game. The NFT representing the piece of digital track allows the owner to receive 5% dividends from all races that take place on it, including entry ticket fees. A blockchain is a distributed and secured ledger, so issuing NFTs to represent shares serves the same purpose as issuing stocks.

These are organisations that allow strangers, like global shareholders of an asset, to coordinate securely without necessarily having to trust the other people. That’s because not a single penny can be spent without group approval. In theory, this would unlock the possibility to do things like own a piece of a Picasso.

How NFTs Work

NFT means non-fungible tokens , which are generally created using the same type of programming used for cryptocurrencies. In simple terms these cryptographic assets are based on blockchain technology. They cannot be exchanged or traded equivalently like other cryptographic assets.

nft collections

Decentraland, a virtual reality game, even lets you buy NFTs representing virtual parcels of land that you can use as you see fit. This also means that if a game is no longer maintained by the developers, the items you’ve collected remain yours. Naysayers often bring up the fact that NFTs “are dumb” usually alongside a picture of them screenshotting an NFT artwork. This is completely automatic so creators can just sit back and earn royalties as their work is sold from person to person. At the moment, figuring out royalties is very manual and lacks accuracy – a lot of creators don’t get paid what they deserve. If your NFT has a royalty programmed into it, you’ll never miss out.


Normally, in an online game, you can buy items for your character, but that’s as far as it goes. With NFTs, you can recoup your money by selling the items once you’re finished with them. The majority of NFTs reside on the Ethereum cryptocurrency’s blockchain, a distributed public ledger that records transactions. NFTs power a new creator economy where creators don’t hand ownership of their content over to the platforms they use to publicise it. Content creators see their profits and earning potential swallowed by platforms. For example, let’s say you purchase an NFT, and the ownership of the unique token is transferred to your wallet via your public address.